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We are a non-profit environmental organisation committed to protect and saving the marine life by developing protective and conservation projects worldwide.



SOS OCÉANOS was founded by the Sepúlveda López family: Jose María and Ascensión, educators by profession, with a great passion for the sea and Chema and Víctor, their children.

"We are a family that grew up in the Seas & Oceans. Traveling around the world for over 12 years oppened our eyes and vision to understand that the marine wildlife needs the human efforts and support before is too late"

"We thought that to do this, it was important to live in the sea and fulfill a dream: Navigate the Seas & Oceans of the world, without haste and without hassles and that our children would be spread with this love" To be able to fulfill this we leave the security of living in land, therefore our jobs, the children their school and we embarked on board our sailboat Alba 1. From that moment our house, the school, our habitat was in the sea ..

For years we are dedicated to know, study, investigate, enjoy the sea, its biodiversity and its seabed. Committed from the beginning we wanted to protect our environment, the wonderful beaches, the beautiful corals, ... those places we used to sail, the dolphins in freedom that accompanied us for miles and miles, the huge jumps of the whales ...Together we managed to go around the world through its seas, After traveling thousands of miles across the oceans Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Red Sea and Mediterranean we thought we had to correspond with them in some way because we had received so much.

With great sadness we have seen throughout those years how the marine environment was deteriorating by leaps and bounds with the great accumulation of plastics and waste of all kinds, feeling responsible for it as part of the culprits of this anthropic situation. So we decided to found an NGO, and when we thought about the name we thought that the one that most corresponded with our idea of ​​communicating the state of our oceans and seas was without a doubt "SOS OCEANOS".


SOS OCEANO´S expeditions and campaigns . These expeditions allow us to film and research unique marine ecosystems and to bring them to you!


SOS OCEANOS es una organización sin ánimo de lucro, inscrita en el  Registro Nacional de Asociaciones con Nº: 533963 CIF: G76050137




C/ Joaquin Blanco Torrent,

Las Palmas 35008

Canary Islands & Barcelona,



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© 2023 by SOS OCÉANOS Proudly created by V.J.

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